Sunday, December 14, 2008

All the world's a stage

This week, as my reading audience will know, I was in Korea. I was doing some presentations to clients etc etc. Now, I am far from the best presenter in the world but I have drooled on my tie through a fair few presentations in my time. I'd like to think I knew a good presentation when I saw one.

Unfortunately, what I saw was a dreadful presentation. One of my colleagues sat down for all his presentations. He read what was on the slides (a pet peeve). He mumbled quietly leading someone in the room to say "Can you speak up? I can't hear you over the sound of the projector fan". He delivered with a monotone. Oh dear, oh dear.

Likewise I was at an industry conference in March where the average presentation was dire. This actually cheered me up as the competition makes me, with my mediocre skills, actually look quite good in comparison.

I know a lot of people approach public speaking with fear and trepidation. My theory is that if you manage to turn up on time, don't faint or throw up in front of the audience and make it through the material, it's a win whatever else happens.

With expectations like that, you are almost certain to meet them.


LottieP said...

Come come, I'm sure you're much better than you suggest. Knowing your stuff's the other failsafe (or at least, knowing more than your audience does).

magicman said...

well, there is the usual self-deprecating ego defense reflex kicking in to be sure.

& I do have a nasty, nasty case of RHPEs so there is that also.