Saturday, December 13, 2008

Back in the saddle

Today was my first paddle since the Hong Kong Dragon Run.

Went out on my surfski for a gentle paddle. It was nice to be out on the water after two weeks of the really nasty colds that have been going round Hong Kong.

Paddling is important to me because it brings some well needed balance to the hectic Urban lifestyle of central Hong Kong. Being out on the water, far from the maddening crowd (flocks of windsurfers notwithstanding) is very calming and I find the ocean endlessly fascinating.


Unknown said...

welcome back Magicman :-)

Mummy said...

Without the water, Hong Kong would be a much more stressful and sadder place.

Dragon's Run? What you want is to row around HK island with no preparation at all with someone who has never rowed on an ocean and gets seasick.

Merry Christmas

magicman said...

Yes, that's exactly what I want to do.
Of course, I am totally barking, completely hatstand...... Unlike your good self
