Wednesday, October 22, 2008

What's in a word?

Well, quite a lot if it's the password you have forgotten.
I won't pretend that I haven't been blogging solely as a result of my inability to log on for the last few months. But it has been a contributing factor.

In order to maintain cosmic harmony, my success at getting into my blog has been counterbalanced by my abject failure to get into my online tax account.

There, in the ether, is a tax demand that will, most likely, chill my blood. So I can probably wait a few days for the bad news.

In the meantime, the balance of the universe is maintained.


Unknown said...

Welcome back Magic Man

magicman said...

Why, thank you, PoohBear.

It's been a while and there's lots to talk about.

LottieP said...

Go on then, don't let us stop you!